Starlight Cameras: What It Is, How It Works

Have you heard about talking about starlight cameras? It sounds pretty high tech and looks like a big leap in night vision, right?

However, after Google hours or the buying guide looking for the Starlight Wiki , what exactly is starlight IP cameras, how star camera security cameras work, what is the difference between starlight and IR night vision, and cost, of course.

Here, we will share with you the most comprehensive and pioneering information in the star CCTV cameras of Daniel, a senior hardware engineer who has been in the industry for over 20 years and knows all the features of star cameras .

After waiting for months’ hours and hours by interviewing, we finally have what we have. Click on the sections below to learn about what experts say about starlight CCTV cameras.

What are Starlight Cameras

Normally 0.01 above – As the name suggests, even starlight cameras could see objects clearly just because of starlight poor illumination , using expert starlight standard sensors, such as Lux  Sony Starvis and Starlight sensors.

What does that mean?

When the lighting drops below 20 Lux, the human eye can hardly identify anything. Along with 0.01 Luxurious super night vision, star-light cameras can give clear and sharp images as your eyes can see in dark nights. And that means “clearly seeing what your eyes can’t see”!

Generally, you will find two types of star cameras available on the market: a camera that records in high definition with black and white images and a camera that produces colorful images as you can see in daylight. The key lies on the sensor used by the CCTV camera.

How Starlight Night Vision Cameras Work

The starlight standard sensor is similar to the retina of your eyes that is sensitive to ambient light, and the image quality is determined by how much light the sensor can use with the camera lens.

And so it becomes a challenge for most security cameras to stay high quality images on dark nights – how can the sensor produce clear images only with “starlight”?

Starlight camera technology uses larger and highly sensitive sensors, large aperture, and lowers the shutter speed to collect enough light for sharp monochrome / color images even when human eyes cannot identify anything. So you can see the star camera in the dark, even when it’s hard for your eyes.

Imagine collecting water from a water tap, you will definitely get more if you open the tap longer with a larger container.

Starlight Cameras

What’s the Difference Between IR and Starlight Night Vision?

These two types of cameras are essentially different in terms of image reproduction, night vision distance and image colors. In fact, star cameras win every round.

As I mentioned above, starlight cameras can ensure that natural light is optimal to produce superior images with special sensors. And the night vision can be black and white or color depending on the sensor and light conditions you use.

In contrast, IR night vision relies on infrared rays to “see” the objects around them, with limited night vision distance. And since the IR light is not natural light that the human eye can capture, in this mode, the images become black and white.

Besides these two variants, there is another way you can perform night vision: using a security light with the camera. In this way, the light will illuminate the scenes and the security camera will be able to watch the illuminated area.

Today, IR night vision is the most popular among security cameras because of its relatively low cost; The star camera is getting more and more attention nowadays and is becoming a new trend with its unique advantages in night vision.

What’s Special About Starlight Cameras: Advantages and Disadvantages

Yes, you can only interpret starlight cameras as perfect night vision. But do you know which aspects the star cameras win exactly?

Let’s learn below.

Pros of Starlight CCTV Cameras:

# 1. Starlight Security Cameras Gained Great Clearance

As I said, starlight cameras, like the most popular 1080p on the market , carry the super sensitive sensor and special lens to guarantee exceptional night vision in HD resolution.

This means that you can see the number of the plate and the face of people clearly and day and night, and you don’t have to worry about the possible IR reflection of the plate.

Editor’s Note:  To guarantee true high-quality night vision, to detect all the details you need, starlight cameras will use their own smart algorithm to best represent colors or black and white according to ambient light conditions.

In fact, it is not so important for the security camera, be it black or color, from my own perspective. After all, the security camera is used to collect evidence of crime and the evidence will not be more convincible because of its colors.

# 2. See More Starlight IP Cameras.

Compared to IR cameras that rely on IR light reflection to produce images, the star light camera collects that natural lights come from other objects, just like your eyes.

And so he could see even more, not infrared or white enhanced light-lit area, but people across the street and signs in remote buildings.

As with most technologies, there are some weaknesses you need to install for starlight cameras, including PTZ, bullets, dome, or other types.

Cons for Starlight CCTV Cameras:

# 1. Starlight IP Cameras, Higher Price Tag

It should not be surprising that high-tech starlight cameras with superior sensors will cost more than star sensors – usually twice (or more) than their specific sensors.

However, starlight surveillance cameras may be more cost-effective in the long run.

Think of it this way: Using natural light, star cameras are actually more durable than other types. And it also reduces the cost of about 12 hours of electricity per day for infrared or external light.

# 2. Starlight Surveillance Cameras Have Light Trails Effect

As I mentioned earlier, star cameras will slow down the shutter speed to get enough light for night vision. And therefore the pictures it takes in seconds will be reduced and blurred images of moving objects will be obtained.

There may be a great damage when you want to recognize the license plate numbers of the vehicles left. To avoid such problems, it would be better to choose starlight CCTV cameras from reputable brands like Reolink. And ask for the video camera of the star camera from the camera manufacturer and read some reviews before buying.

Where Should You Use Starlight CCTV Cameras?

Along with major improvements in night vision, starlight security cameras can be used in extended situations, such as raising your home security, capturing events in the bar with color.

There are even star cameras that meet standards for military and national geographic research use. For example, it has been reported that star-light cameras used underwater capture the biological brightness.

They will have more advantages in open spaces for wide-range night views, including in the backyard, front yard, meeting rooms, on the street, at the airport, on the motorways, and in monitoring tourist attractions.

While some of you can force star surveillance cameras to extreme security in home security, it is definitely worth the investment and will prove its worth if you feel insecure during the night for repeated thieves in your area – there are also some wireless mini light cameras available to make surveillance more discreet and effective!

Have you decided to try lightning cameras?

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